Gal Technologies win H2020 5 Million euro fund
Following a call of H2020, Mr. Segal (GT Founder&CTO) came up with an innovative idea, recruited participants, developed and distributed roles, preparing the budget and also directed and wrote the answer.
End August 2015, GT with the Royal Military Academy of Belgium (RMA) submitted to European commission fund Horizon 2020 a proposal on behalf of a huge consortium, for the development of SafeShore system for a budget of 5.1 M€. The consortium is built of 11 members from 7 countries which include 3 universities, 2 research institutions, 4 companies and 3 end users: Belgium police, Romania border police and the Israeli police.
On January. 2016 the European Commission announced that the SafeShore project gained the fund with a very nice compliment towards.
“The consortium is a well-balanced combination of partners with complementary skills and expertise. Each partner will address specific different challenges.”
The SafeShore has been evaluated with a score of 13.5out of 15, which makes it the 8th best proposal in the whole 2015 Security calls.