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Gal Technologies H2020 activities
Gal Technologies is a leading management, business and technology consulting company, which provides project & program management, projects coordination, R&D management, technology transfer & diffusion, dissemination and exploitation services for funded projects, and consultancy and training in H2020 and other international funding programs.
We are available to you as a partner in projects, funds and grants, calls for proposals, and business opportunities. Our main interests are Secure societies, Smart Cities, and Transportation. We are ready to collaborate with you on other themes, too.
Those are our main topics:
Disaster-resilience: safeguarding and securing society, including adapting to climate change
Fight against crime and Terrorism
Border Security and External Security
Digital Security: Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust
The Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) pilot provides funding for bottom-up proposals for close-to-market innovation activities in any area of technology or application. This thematic openness – combined with the possibility for all kinds of innovation actors to work together and deliver innovation onto the market and/or into society – should nurture trans-disciplinary and cross-sectoral cooperation.
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